Mastering Blackjack Hand Signs: A Guide for Casino Players


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Blackjack is a popular card game that requires not only skillful decision-making but also effective communication with the dealer. Understanding and using proper hand signs during gameplay can enhance your experience at the casino and ensure smooth and efficient gameplay. In this guide, we will explore some essential blackjack hand signs to employ at the casino.


The most common hand sign in blackjack is the "Hit" gesture. To indicate that you want an additional card, gently scrape the table felt towards you using one or two fingers. This gesture signals the dealer to deal you another card.


When you are satisfied with your hand and do not wish to receive any more cards, use the "Stand" hand sign. Simply slide your palm, face down, over your cards, parallel to the table felt. This indicates to the dealer that you are content with your current hand and do not require any further cards.

Double Down

To double down on your bet and receive one additional card, place an additional amount of chips next to your original wager. Then, hold up one finger to signify that you want only one more card. The dealer will acknowledge your request and deal you one card face down.


If you are dealt a pair of cards with the same rank, you have the option to split them into two separate hands. To indicate your intention to split, place an additional bet equal to your original wager next to your initial bet. Use the "Split" hand sign by extending your index and middle fingers in a V-shape. This gesture informs the dealer that you want to split the pair into two distinct hands.


In some casinos, top online casino singapore players have the option to surrender their hand and receive half of their original bet back. To surrender, extend your index finger in the shape of an upside-down "V" and draw an imaginary line behind your bet on the table felt. This signals to the dealer that you want to surrender your hand.


Mastering the hand signs used in blackjack is essential for effective communication with the dealer during gameplay. By understanding and utilizing the proper hand signs for hitting, standing, doubling down, splitting, and surrendering, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable blackjack experience at the casino. Remember to familiarize yourself with the specific rules and hand signals employed by the casino you are playing in, as they may vary slightly from one establishment to another.

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